Jamaican government Minister accepts United Reformed Church’s apology for its role in transatlantic slavery: Olivia Grange, Jamaica’s Minister for Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, encouraged other UK churches, along with the UK government, to also apologize.

First ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ webinar draws large audience: A packed virtual Zoom room of nearly 500 participants logged on Thursday to listen to the first webinar in a series of three which addresses the topic of “Confronting Christian Zionism.” Presented by the PC(USA)’s Christian Zionism working group, the 90-minute session discussed how the Zionism ideology contributes to the violence Palestinians have experienced and the consequences of the settler colonial experience.

Caught Up in the Cloud: Rescuing the Ascension Story from Familiarity: On Reformed Worship, Arlo D. Duba writes, “The ascension of Jesus is linked with the death and resurrection and with the glorification of Jesus throughout the tradition. Jesus’ death without a resurrection would have accomplished nothing. The resurrection without the ascension would have accomplished nothing. But Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, and the gift of the Spirit make it possible for us, like Moses, to enter (the cloud of) the glory of God.”

Global Christian Forum shares message that we will “act for the restoration of the world”: As the Global Christian Forum closed in Ghana on 19 April, the gathering shared a message focusing on moving beyond a posture of “us” and “them,” and on how we can be inspired to act together for the restoration of the world.

CWM Moderator to Global Christian Forum: “Diversity is a blessing, not a curse”: Council for World Mission (CWM) Moderator Rt Rev. Lydia Neshangwe preached during the opening worship service of the Global Christian Forum Fourth Global Gathering in Accra Ridge Church, Ghana, Africa on 16 April.

The Asia Sunday of 2024 will be observed on 12 May on the theme “Myanmar: God of Hope, Fill Us with Joy and Peace”: In the context of the worsening human rights situation and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, the Christian Conference of Asia decided this year’s Asia Sunday to be focused on Myanmar.

Accompaniers in Palestine and Israel are all about respect, equity, and dignity: As the latest set of World Council of Churches (WCC) ecumenical accompaniers left Palestine and Israel, ushering in a new set who will take the mantle, a handover ceremony brought heartfelt prayers for a just peace in the region.

WCC urges prayers—and action—for the plight of people in Sudan: Kenneth Mtata, World Council of Churches director of Public Witness and Diakonia, returned from Sudan with what he described as “a broken heart” after witnessing the plight of the people. Yet he also shared signs of hope that a pact for peace can end the suffering.

Image: 19 April 2024, Accra, Ghana: People exit church after observing closing prayer in the Accra Ridge Church at the conclusion of the fourth global gathering of the Global Christian Forum. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC